The Power of Pen and Paper: Unlocking the Psychology Behind Writing Down Your Goals 

Julia Mercier, Principal, Emma Badini, Learning and Development Consultant
September 18, 2023

Julia Mercier, Principal
Emma Badini, Learning and Development Consultant

This article was inspired, in part, by our recent reading of Rick Rubin’s new book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being, and by our recent experimentations in drawing inspiration from newly accessible AI tools such as ChatGPT. We have included some Rubin quotes and language from personal communications with ChatGPT throughout the article.

As lawyers,

we are well-acquainted with the power of words and their ability to shape outcomes. However, when it comes to our personal and professional goals, we often overlook a simple yet transformative tool: writing them down. In this blog post, we delve into the psychology behind the act of writing down goals and explore how this practice can greatly increase our focus, motivation, and ultimately, our success.

Externalizing Your Goals

When we write down our goals, we externalize our aspirations, transforming them from abstract thoughts into something concrete that we can physically see and touch. By capturing our objectives on paper, we solidify our intentions and create a visible reminder of what we strive to achieve. This externalization lays the groundwork for subsequent practices and psychological processes that can bolster our progress. 

Clarifying and Defining Goals 

“A completed project is only made up of our intention and our experiments around it.”

Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Writing down our goals compels us to articulate and clarify what we genuinely want to accomplish. The act of defining our goals uncovers hidden desires, refines our aspirations, and helps us prioritize what truly matters. By combining writing with visualization, we take this process further, engaging our imagination and emotions. Visualization empowers us to create vivid mental images of our desired outcomes, which further clarifies and amplifies our goals. It enables us to see ourselves achieving those goals and tap into the associated emotions, making us more likely to persist in our efforts and ultimately achieve our goals.

Enhancing Commitment and Accountability

“Small rituals can make a big difference.” 

Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

The act of writing down goals deepens our commitment to achieving them. Physiologically, this commitment is amplified through the process of encoding. Encoding refers to the biological mechanism by which our brains convert information into memory traces. When we write down our goals, our brains engage in encoding, solidifying our aspirations into long-term memory. This encoding process strengthens our commitment, making it more likely that we will take actions aligned with our goals. Moreover, combining visualization with encoding intensifies our emotional connection to our desired outcomes, further enhancing our commitment and accountability.

Activating the Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Our brains possess a powerful filter known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS), which prioritizes information aligned with our goals. Writing down our goals activates the RAS, enabling us to recognize relevant opportunities, resources, and connections. Visualization complements this activation by creating vivid mental imagery that stimulates the RAS even further. When we visualize achieving our goals, we amplify the activation of the RAS, heightening our awareness of opportunities that can help us progress towards our objectives. 

Amplifying Motivation and Persistence

Regularly reviewing our written goals and engaging in visualization practices strengthens our motivation and persistence. Revisiting our written aspirations reignites the initial excitement and passion we felt when we first wrote them down. Visualization enhances this motivation by providing a mental rehearsal of success, with all the associated emotions, sensation, and confidence. Moreover, the encoding process solidifies these mental representations, making them more accessible and reinforcing our determination to persevere. 


Embracing the practice of writing down and reflecting on written goals can have a profound impact on our success as lawyers. 

In addition to the practices shared above, consider incorporating the following daily and weekly reflection practices:

  1. Weekday Wins
    • Take a few minutes each evening to reflect on your daily goal progress. Write down your “Weekday Wins,” acknowledging the tasks you successfully completed, milestones reached, or challenges overcome. Celebrating these small victories reinforces motivation and builds momentum for the days ahead. 
  2. Weekly Wins 
    • Set aside time at the end of each week to reflect on your overall progress. Identify your “Weekly Wins,” highlighting the accomplishments and progress made toward your larger goals. This reflection allows you to recognize your growth, identify areas for improvement, and refine your goals for the upcoming week. 

By incorporating these reflective practices into your routine, you create a powerful feedback loop that nurtures motivation, reinforces commitment, and drives continuous progress. Remember, “Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change” (Rubin, 2023). Embrace the power of pen, paper, and these powerful psychological practices, and let them propel you toward the success you envision.
